PERiLS 2022#

import warnings
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import geoviews as gv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
from IPython.display import display
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
from cartopy.geodesic import Geodesic
import urllib.request
from pathlib import Path
import nearest_nexrad as nrnx
# This is to find nearest nexrad radars, and associated lats,lons
file_name = ""
url = ""
if not Path(file_name).is_file():
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file_name)

(33.89667, -88.32889, 476)
df = pd.read_excel("Data_availability_PERiLS.xlsx")
df.drop([9, 10, 11], inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Instrument Lon Lat Range[m] IOP Start_Time End_Time
0 COW1 -87.946000 32.810980 88443.41 IOP1 2022-03-22 17:04:44 2022-03-22 23:03:40
1 DOW7 -88.171700 32.710800 74960.42 IOP1 2022-03-22 17:59:03 2022-03-22 23:37:13
2 DOW8 -88.436500 33.262500 58545.50 IOP1 2022-03-22 20:02:00 2022-03-22 21:08:50
3 COW1 -88.548200 33.606340 88443.41 IOP2 2022-03-30 15:52:26 2022-03-31 02:18:40
4 DOW7 -88.608500 33.485000 74960.42 IOP2 2022-03-30 18:57:33 2022-03-31 02:19:07
5 DOW8 -88.662700 33.723800 73529.96 IOP2 2022-03-30 21:42:12 2022-03-31 02:20:11
6 COW1 -86.544500 32.269600 88443.41 IOP3 2022-04-05 12:32:48 2022-04-05 17:28:42
7 DOW7 -86.679100 32.428000 74960.42 IOP3 2022-04-05 13:01:09 2022-04-05 16:24:53
8 DOW8 -86.430200 32.197800 58545.50 IOP3 2022-04-05 14:39:27 2022-04-05 17:29:50
9 UAHM -88.495400 33.132500 50000.00 IOP1 2022-03-22 22:34:17 2022-04-13 20:22:14
10 UAHM -88.712067 33.840030 99750.00 IOP2 2022-03-30 15:13:12 2022-03-31 01:42:02
11 NOXP -88.495216 33.132534 74962.00 IOP2 2022-03-30 18:29:28 2022-03-31 01:34:18
12 SMARTR1 -88.345871 32.888432 98975.00 IOP1 2022-03-22 16:05:24 2022-03-22 21:17:49
13 SMARTR2 -88.570110 33.213134 81900.00 IOP1 2022-03-22 15:49:30 2022-03-22 22:48:37
14 SMARTR2 -88.484060 33.346680 82950.00 IOP2 2022-03-30 19:11:36 2022-03-31 02:27:34
def calculate_centroid(df):
    centroid_lat = df['Lat'].mean()
    centroid_lon = df['Lon'].mean()
    return centroid_lat, centroid_lon
def draw_circle_on_map(df):
    gd = Geodesic()
    geoms = []
    for _, row in df.iterrows():
        lon, lat = row['Lon'], row['Lat']
        radius = row['Range[m]']
        cp =, lat=lat, radius=radius)
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geoms) = "EPSG:4326"  # set the CRS
    return gdf
def draw_circle_on_map_for_nexrad(df):
    gd = Geodesic()
    geoms = []
    for _, row in df.iterrows():
        lon, lat = row['lon'], row['lat']
        if row['ID'].startswith('T'):
            radius = 90e3
            radius = 250e3
        cp =, lat=lat, radius=radius)
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geoms) = "EPSG:4326"  # set the CRS
    return gdf
def create_plot(switch):
    gdf = draw_circle_on_map(df)
    # Define the data based on the switch variable
    if switch == 'IOP1':
        data = gdf[gdf['IOP'] == 'IOP1']
    elif switch == 'IOP2':
        data = gdf[gdf['IOP'] == 'IOP2']
    elif switch == 'IOP3':
        data = gdf[gdf['IOP'] == 'IOP3']
        data = gdf
    centroid_lat, centroid_lon = calculate_centroid(data)
    sites = nrnx.nearest_sites(centroid_lat, centroid_lon, 4).reset_index(drop=True)
    gsites = draw_circle_on_map_for_nexrad(sites)

    # Define the colormap for instrument colors
    instrument_colors = {'COW1': 'red', 'DOW7': 'blue', 'DOW8': 'green',
                         'UAHM': 'orange', 'NOXP': 'purple', 'SMARTR1': 'cyan',
                         'SMARTR2': 'magenta'}

    # Create a color column based on the Instrument column
    data['Color'] = data['Instrument'].map(instrument_colors)

    # Define the point plot based on the data
    points = data.hvplot.points(x='Lon', y='Lat', geo=True, color='Color',
                                alpha=0.7, coastline=True,
                                frame_height=800, frame_width=650,
                                hover_cols=['Instrument', 'Range[m]', 'IOP', 'Start_Time', 'End_Time'])

    # Define the circle plot based on the data
    circles = gv.Polygons(data=data.geometry).opts(fill_alpha=0.2,
                                                   xlabel='Lon˚E', ylabel='Lat˚N',
                                                   frame_height=800, frame_width=650)

    # Define the point plot for the gsites data
    points_nex = gsites.hvplot.points(x='lon', y='lat', geo=True, color='k',
                                      alpha=0.7, hover_cols=['ID'],
                                      frame_height=800, frame_width=650)

    # Define the circle plot for the gsites data
    circles_nex = gv.Polygons(data=gsites.geometry).opts(color='w', fill_alpha=0.2,
                                                          xlabel='Lon˚E', ylabel='Lat˚N',
                                                          frame_height=800, frame_width=650)

    # Overlay the circle plot on top of the point plot
    plot = points_nex * circles_nex * points * circles
    # Save the figure as HTML
    html_path = f"plot_{switch}.html", html_path)
    return plot
snd = pd.read_excel("SONDE_UIUC.xlsx")
IOP Date Vehicle ID Sonde ID Launch Time (UTC) Latitude\n(degrees) Latitude - Sonde GPS\n(degrees) Latitude FINAL\n(degrees) Longitude\n(degrees) Longitude - Sonde GPS\n(degrees) Longitude FINAL\n(degrees) Altitude\n(m MSL) Altitude - USGS NED\n(m MSL) Altitude FINAL\n(m MSL)
0 1.0 20220322.0 SONDE1 18043739 18:03:43 32.91079 32.9108 32.91080 -88.29812 -88.29814 -88.29815 0 49 49
1 NaN NaN NaN 18047099 19:15:54 32.91078 32.9108 32.91080 -88.29812 -88.29815 -88.29815 0 49 49
2 NaN NaN NaN 18043171 19:56:52 32.91080 32.9108 32.91080 -88.29816 -88.29814 -88.29815 0 49 49
3 NaN NaN NaN 18043798 20:41:29 32.91079 32.9108 32.91080 -88.29813 -88.29815 -88.29815 0 49 49
4 NaN NaN SONDE2 18047276 18:11:32 32.70832 32.7083 32.70835 -88.20456 -88.20450 -88.20430 0 62 62
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
103 NaN NaN NaN 21059195 20:43:54 36.11820 36.1186 36.11830 -90.16840 -90.16836 -90.16840 130 78 78
104 NaN NaN SONDE5 21058975 19:14:03 36.49007 36.4901 36.49010 -90.01672 -90.01671 -90.01671 97 87 87
105 NaN NaN NaN 21058928 20:01:53 36.49018 36.4902 36.49010 -90.01678 -90.01671 -90.01671 97 87 87
106 NaN NaN NaN 21059115 20:32:37 36.49085 36.4908 36.49080 -90.01636 -90.01631 -90.01630 97 87 87
107 NaN NaN NaN 21051157 21:00:18 36.49086 36.4909 36.49080 -90.01633 -90.01630 -90.01630 97 87 87

108 rows × 14 columns

snd = snd[['IOP','Date','Launch Time (UTC)','Vehicle ID',
           'Latitude FINAL\n(degrees)','Longitude FINAL\n(degrees)',
           'Altitude FINAL\n(m MSL)']]
def fill_nans(df, columns):
    values = {}  # Initialize a dictionary to store the non-NaN values for each column

    for column in columns:
        values[column] = None  # Initialize the value for each column

        for idx, row in df.iterrows():
            if not pd.isnull(row[column]):  # Check if the value is not NaN
                values[column] = row[column]  # Update the value with the non-NaN value
  [idx, column] = values[column]  # Fill NaN values with the current value

        if column == 'IOP':
            df[column] = df[column].replace({1.0: 'IOP1', 2.0: 'IOP2', 3.0: 'IOP3', 4.0: 'IOP4'})
        elif column == 'Date':
            df[column] = pd.to_datetime(df[column], format='%Y%m%d')
    # Rename columns
    df.rename(columns={'Latitude FINAL\n(degrees)': 'lat',
                       'Longitude FINAL\n(degrees)': 'lon',
                       'Launch Time (UTC)': 'time',
                       'Altitude FINAL\n(m MSL)':'alt'},
    return df

def create_datetime_column(df):
    df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'].astype(str) + ' ' + df['time'].astype(str))
    return df

filled_snd = fill_nans(snd, ['IOP', 'Date', 'Vehicle ID'])
filled_snd = create_datetime_column(filled_snd)
filled_snd['Vehicle ID'] = pd.Categorical(filled_snd['Vehicle ID'])
filled_snd[filled_snd['IOP']=='IOP2'].plot.scatter(x='lon', y='lat', c='Vehicle ID', cmap='jet', marker='d')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='lon', ylabel='lat'>
def plot_domain_with_snd(switch):
    gdf = draw_circle_on_map(df)
    # Define the data based on the switch variable
    if switch in ['IOP1', 'IOP2', 'IOP3']:
        data = gdf[gdf['IOP'] == switch]
        data = gdf

    centroid_lat, centroid_lon = calculate_centroid(data)
    sites = nrnx.nearest_sites(centroid_lat, centroid_lon, 4).reset_index(drop=True)
    gsites = draw_circle_on_map_for_nexrad(sites)

    # Convert data to a GeoDataFrame
    data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, geometry='geometry')

    # Define the point plot based on the data
    points = data.hvplot.points(x='Lon', y='Lat', geo=True, marker='o', color='r',
                                alpha=0.7, coastline=True,
                                frame_height=800, frame_width=650,
                                hover_cols=['Instrument', 'Range[m]', 'IOP', 'Start_Time', 'End_Time'])

    # Define the circle plot based on the data
    circles = gv.Polygons(data=data).opts(color='gray', fill_alpha=0.2,
                                          xlabel='Lon', ylabel='Lat',
                                          frame_height=800, frame_width=650)

    # Define the point plot for the gsites data
    points_nex = gsites.hvplot.points(x='lon', y='lat', geo=True, color='k',
                                      alpha=0.7, hover_cols=['ID'],
                                      frame_height=800, frame_width=650)

    # Define the circle plot for the gsites data
    circles_nex = gv.Polygons(data=gsites.geometry).opts(color='w', fill_alpha=0.2,
                                                          xlabel='Lon', ylabel='Lat',
                                                          frame_height=800, frame_width=650)

    # Overlay the circle plot on top of the point plot
    plot = points_nex * circles_nex * points * circles

    # Filter filled_snd based on switch
    filled_snd_filtered = filled_snd[filled_snd['IOP'] == switch]

    # Convert filled_snd to hvPlot
    hv_snd = filled_snd_filtered.hvplot.points(x='lon', y='lat', c='Vehicle ID', marker='d',
                                               geo=True, hover_cols=['Vehicle ID', 'datetime', 'alt'],

    # Overlay filled_snd plot on top of the existing plot
    plot = plot * hv_snd
    # Save the figure as HTML
    html_path = f"plot_domain_radsnd_{switch}.html", html_path)

    return plot